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Nice that YOU are here!

Your info page

Are you new to Elim?

Sure, we know what it's like: a large community, lots of new impressions and a lot of people. It's not easy to keep an overview. On this page, we have collected all the important information about our church for you - whether you just want to “have a look”, get connected or continue to grow in your faith!

It’s great that you’re here! Together we are on our way – to meet God, to live in his power and to serve in joy. A home for you too!

Matthias C. Wolff, Head pastor

First time there?

What can I expect?

Our services usually last around 90 minutes. In the first 30 minutes or so, we celebrate God through worship with a good live band. In between there are church news videos, announcements and prayer. The sermon lasts around 30 minutes before the service comes to an end. Have a look on YouTube.

Do I have to be a member?

No way! Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are welcome to join us. Even if you have never been to church before, you are welcome to come. We look forward to getting to know you!

Does it cost money or admission?

No! The services are free of charge. There is a moment during the service when you are welcome to make a donation (we call this a “collection”). However, this collection is completely voluntary, without obligation or compulsion.

We love Sundays! As a whole church, we celebrate services at three times on Sunday: at 10am, 11:45am and 5pm. We are an open, modern church and not a closed society. We look forward to welcoming you and getting to know you personally!  

A warm welcome!

People of Elim

Here you will find a connection

How to grow in faith

Eine Bibel für dich!

Möchtest du gern in der Bibel lesen? Wir schenken dir ein Exemplar!

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    How to take the next steps with Jesus

    We are here for you!

    Do you need prayer? We are praying for you!

    Do you need prayer? We are happy to pray for you. Just send us what’s on your heart. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

      Mit der Nutzung dieses Formulars erklärst du dich mit der Speicherung und Verarbeitung deiner Daten durch diese Website einverstanden.


      Elim Kirche HamburgBachstraße 1, 22083 Hamburg

        Mit der Nutzung dieses Formulars erklärst du dich mit der Speicherung und Verarbeitung deiner Daten durch diese Website einverstanden.

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        Everything you need to know if you're new to us: our newsletter!